Wednesday 20 July 2016


Intrapersonal Communication:

It is the language used or thought internal to the communicator. Intrapersonal communication is the active internal involvement of the individual in symbolic processing of messages. Both the roles of the sender and receiver, is assumed by the individual himself and he also provides feedback to herself in an ongoing internal process.

Interpersonal Communication:

It is the level in which communication channels are the medium chosen to convey the message from sender to receiver. Communication channels can be either direct or indirect.

  • Direct channels are those that are obvious and can be easily recognized by the receiver. They are also under direct control of the sender.
  • Indirect channels are those channels that are usually recognized subliminally or subconsciously by the receiver, and not under direct control of the sender.

Group Communication:

Group Communication refers to the nature of communication that occurs in groups that are between 3 to 12 individuals. Small group communication generally takes place in a context that mixes interpersonal communication interations with social clustering.

Public Communication:

It's at the heart of our economy, society, and politics.Studios use it to promote their films. Politicians use it to get elected. Businesses use it to burnish their image. It's a field built on ideas and images, persuasion and information, strategy and tactics. No policy or product can succeed without a smart message targeted to the right audience in creative and innovative ways.

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