Wednesday 20 July 2016


The word 'Business' stands for any economic activity undertaken with a view to earn profit. The communication undertaken in the process of this activity is termed as business communication. From the very inception of the idea of the Business, to run the day to day activities of the Business, communication is involved. It includes oral, written, formal, informal, upward, downward, lateral, diagonal, inward, outward as well as non verbal communication.

Communication is the most vital ingredient of an organisation. In fact, an organisation cannot be conceived of without communication. An organisation is a group of persons constituted to achieve certain specific objectives. The achievement of these objectives largely depends upon a proper co-ordination and integration of human effort in an organisation. The people working in an organisation; their activities are also interrelated because all activities are performed only to active the organisational objectives. Co-ordination and integration of various human activities are possible only if there is an effective system of communication in the organisation which provides for exchange of information and sharing of various ideas. The more effective the system of communication, the better is the relation between workers and the management. It is communication which gives life to the organisation; so, it is rightly known as the life blood of an organisation.

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