Friday 2 January 2015

Why do objects look different colours?

Why do objects look different colours?

The white light around us is made up of a mixture of different colours of light. The surfaces of objects absorb some colours and reflect others back. Our eyes see only the colours that are reflected. An object that reflects all the colours of light appears white. An object that absorbs all the colours , looks black. A tomato absorbs all the colours except red, which it reflects back to us.

Why worry about extinction?

Why worry about extinction?

There have been five mass extinction events in Earth's history (the last time, 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs vanished). A sixth mass extinction is taking place thanks to humans. As we drive more animals and plants to extinction, we destroy the life support systems that all species depend on-including us.

Monsters of the deep!

Monsters of the deep!

Down in the cold , dark gloom of the ocean depths lurk some  very strange fish. This deep-sea "anglerfish" can  emit light in order to attract prey. It also has flexible bones, allowing the jaws and  stomach to expand and create room for prey twice the size of its entire body.

How do fish breathe?

How do fish breathe?

Fish are vertebrates (animals with backbones) that live in the sea and in fresh water. Like all animals they have to breathe in oxygen. Lungs would simply fill up with water, so instead fish have feathery gills at the back of the head that extract oxygen from water as it flows over them.