Thursday 1 January 2015

Overcoming Nerves

Overcoming Nerves

Even professional broadcasters, Who look thoroughly at ease on camera, admit to nervousness betore a programme starts. Even prize-winning authors doubt the quality of their latest writing. Such nervousness reflects a desirble stimulus, setting the adrenaline flowing as you gird yourself for the fight. If you suffer very seriously from nervous, relieve them by using relaxation techniques, going for a short walk, or going for your material. Above all, remember that your audiences and associates generally want you to succed. They are rarely hostile. They want to be pleased as much as you want to please them.

Tip: Reducing Last Minute Nervous.

Try this breathing exercise to calm your thoughts and dispel tension. Close your eyes. Place one hand on your upper chest, the other on your diaphragm. Breathe in, feeling your diaphragm rise, then breathe out slowly. Repeat several times.