Friday 10 October 2014

Who owns Antarctica?

Who owns Antarctica?

No one - it doesn't have a government. The Antarctica Treaty, signed by 46 countries, requires that the continent is used only for peaceful scientific research. Antarctica is very dry, cold, and windy, and about 98 per cent of its land surface is covered by ice. Very few plants grow there except mosses, lichens, and seaweed.

Which is the largest continent?

Which is the largest continent?

Asia- it covers one-third of the total land area of the Earth. North to south it extends from the Arctic Circle to just south of the Equator and at its widest point it measures 8,500 km (5,300 miles). Four billion people - three out of every five of the world's population - live in Asia.

Where does Europe end?

Where does Europe end?

That's a bit of a tricky one. Europe isn't a continent on its own but is attached to the western end of Asia. It is usually said to end at the Ural and Caucasus Mountains in Russia. Europe is the second smallest continent (only Australia is smaller). It occupies just 7 per cent of the Earth's surface, but contains 25 per cent of the world's population. There are 47 countries.

Why do planes fly above clouds?

Why do planes fly above clouds?

 Aeroplanes are powered, heavier-than-air aircraft with fixed wings. Most planes are flown above cloud level because there is not as much air resistance higher up in the atmosphere, so they use less fuel. There is also less turbulence above clouds, meaning passengers don't get thrown about so much and there is less demand for sick bags!


The largest passenger aircraft is the Airbus A380. It has a wingspan of 79.8 m (261.8 ft) and can carry 853 passengers.

Can a car run on chocolate?

Can a car run on chocolate?

It may sound ridiculous, but it's true. In 2007, two British environmentalists drove a car 7,200 km (4.500 miles) from British to Timbuktu in Mali, Africa, powered by 4,000 kg (8,800 lbs) of chocolate converted into a biofual.

Where is the Internet?

Where is the Internet?

The Internet is everywhere. It's a networks linking a millions of computers all over the world. With a computer, the right software, and a phone connection, anyone anywhere in the world can set up a website for anyone else to look at. There's no one in charge of the Internet and since there's no limit to the amount of information that can be held on it.

How do computers store data?

How do computers store data?

All the data stored in your computer- every word, picture, number, and sound- is captured as a series of electrical pulses that are either on or off. A number system called binary is  used to represent these pulses with "1" meaning "on" and "0" meaning "off". A single binary digit, known as a "bit", switches a single switch on or off. By linking together these switches, the computer can carry out the complex operations we demand.

What is an element?

What is an element?

An element is a pure substance made up of only type of atom. The atoms of every element are different from the atoms of every other element. 117 elements have so far been discovered or created. Of these, 91 occur naturally on Earth. The others can be created in laboratories. The atoms of one element can combine with atoms of other elements to form compounds. For example, hydrogen and oxygen can combine to form water.

Why can't you ever take a break from breathing?

Why can't you ever take a break from breathing?

Breathing takes air in and out of your lungs, and that air contains the gas oxygen. Every one of your trillions of body cells needs a constant supply of oxygen, 24 hours a day, and oxygen is something your body cannot store - so, no break! Breathing also removes carbon dioxides from the body-a waste gas that your cells are releasing all the time.



More than 2,300 years ago,Greek philosopher Aristotle stated that the heart was the part of the body that makes us feel emotions. Today we know that brain is responsible for the way we feel but, although Aristotle's ideas are long gone, people still express their love with hearts on Valentine's day.

"Funny Bones"

Funny Bones!!!!

Your "funny bone" isn't a bone at all; it's a spot on the outer bit of your elbow that, if you hit or knock it, gives you a weird tingly pain. This is because the ulnar nerve crosses the bone at that point.