Monday 13 October 2014

Who were the Ancient Americans?

Who were the Ancient Americans?

The Maya and Aztecs of Central America and the lncas of Peru developed remarkable cultures that were swept away by Spanish invaders in the 1500s. They were the final witnesses to the long history of human civilization in ancient America.

How old is china?

How old is china?

Chinese history traditionally begins with the Shang Dynasty, nearly 4,000 years ago, but chinese civilization goes back much further, to around 9,000 years ago, when farming started on the Yellow River in northern China. The Shang Dynasty was the first in a line of imperial dynasties that lasted until 1911.

How large was the Roman Empire?

How large was the Roman Empire?

At its fullest extend, in the 2nd century CE, it stretched 4,000 km (2,500 miles) from Spain in the west to the Caspian Sea in the east, and from Britain in the north to Egypt in the south. Of course, this didn't happen overnight-in fact, it took more than 700 years for Rome to grow from a small village to a superpower.

Who were the Ancient Greeks?

Who were the Ancient Greeks?

Ancient Greece was not a single country-the Greeks lived in seperate city-states all around the Aegean Sea and often quarrelled violently with each other. They were united by the Greek language and writing, by shared myths and legends about the gods, and by a common enemy, the Persians.