Friday 10 June 2016


Object-Relational Database(ORD)

An Object-Relational Database (ORD) or Object-Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS) provides a relational database management system that allows developers to integrate a database with their own custom data-types and methods. The term object-relational database sometimes also refers to external software products running over traditional DBMS to provide similar features - systems more correctly described as object-relational mapping systems.

Whereas traditional RDBMS or SQL-DBMS products focused on the efficient management of data drawn from a limited set of data-types (defined by the relevant language standards), an object-relational DBMS allows software-developers to integrate their own types and the methods that apply to them into the DBMS.

ORDBMS-technology aims to allow developers to raise the level of abstraction at which they view the problem domain.

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