Tuesday 7 June 2016

Database System

A database system is just a computerised record-keeping system. The database is a kind of an electronic filling cabinet. The user can perform the following operations..

  • Addition of new files to the database
  • Insertion of  data into existing files
  • Retrieving of data from existing files
  • Updation of data in existing files
  • Removing of data from existing files

A large repository of data which may be structured or unstructured, manually operated or computerized, consisting of a single file or a number of files is refered to as a database.They used data base management systems (DBMS) software which control the steucture of the database and access to the data.Database stores a collection of related sets of data items (i.e. both data and relations between them) along with necessary data/information associated with it (metadata). In a traditional manual system a database is stored on paper while in a computer-based system it is stored on secondary devices in electronic form.


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