Wednesday 17 December 2014

What's a funny bone??


Have you ever hit the inside of your elbow in just the right spot and felt a tingling or prickly kind of dull pain? That's your funny bone! It doesn't really hurt as much as it feels weird. The "funny bone" got its nickname because of that funny feeling you get after you hit it.
But your funny bone isn't actually a bone at all. Running down the inside part of your elbow is a nerve called the ulnar nerve. The ulnar nerve lets your brain know about feelings in your fourth and fifth fingers. It's also one of the nerves that controls some movement of your hand.
You get that funny feeling when the ulnar nerve is bumped against the humerus (say:  HYOO-muh-rus), the long bone that starts at your elbow and goes up to your shoulder. Tapping your funny bone doesn't do any damage to your elbow, arm, or ulnar nerve. But it sure feels strange!

The 3 Body Types !

The 3 Body Types :Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph

The Ectomorph Body Type

The ectomorph can be easily spotted in any weight room. They are often below the average weight for their height and have a skinny appearance. Ectomorphs tend to have very high metabolisms and often complain of relentless eating with little to no weight gain.

Common Ectomorph Characteristics  Include:

  • Small joints
  • Skinny appearance
  • Hyperactive
  • Fast metabolism
  • Can eat whatever they want
  • Get full easily
  • Small chest and buttocks
  • Difficulty building muscle
  • Difficulty gaining weight
  • Low body fat
  • Narrow frame (“pencil frame”)

The Endomorph Body Type

The endomorphic body type is the complete opposite of an ectomorph. This individual will usually be larger in appearance with heavier fat accumulation and little muscle definition. They find it hard to drop the weight even though they try several diets or workout programs.

Common Endomorph Characteristics  Include:

  • Large amount of fat accumulation
  • Often fatigue easily
  • Insatiable appetite
  • Try various diet and exercise programs to failure
  • Cannot seem to drop weight
  • Eat larger meals or several smaller sized meals
  • Low muscle definition due to adipose tissue
  • Larger frame

The Mesomorph Body Type

Everyone recognizes the mesomorph. He is the high school jock that seemed to put on muscle just by looking at weights while also maintaining a very lean physique. The mesomorph is somewhat in between the ectomorph and the endomorph and as such, display qualities from both. He has a larger frame (bone structure) as the endomorph does, but a low body fat percentage as the ectomorph has. You could say this is the aspiring body type that everybody wants.

Common Mesomorph Characteristics  Include:

  • Symmetrical build
  • Wide shoulders
  • Small waist
  • Low body fat
  • Large musculature
  • Seems to put on muscle easily
  • Seems to burn fat easily
  • Eats in moderation